The very first and the biggest expansion of the Elden Ring is almost here. We have been waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree to be out and about. Now it’s even available for pre-Ordering! So, while we await the DLC let’s explore some of the most interactive and awesome mods of Elden Ring. Trust me, if you haven’t tried these yet, it really is high time to play them now!

1. Seamless Co-op Mod

This one is quite a popular one among Elden Ring mods. Seamless Co-op by LukeYui, allows you to play Elden Ring with your bros from the starting point till the end. In the original game it has limited the amount of time and space the lobby lasts. You can invite your friends to slay a boss, to a battle however when the battle is over it’s time to separate again. The lobby is dismissed, and you have to part ways.

In contrast Seamless Co-op allows you to have the lobby throughout the game. This doesn’t only limit to a battle, you can do everything together, and go everywhere with your team.

It requires all players in the team to have the mod downloaded and installed. You can simply select the area you want to spawn on the map and this mod will spawn everyone to the targeted location. Everyone in the team needs to agree on the location though. If a teammate dies within the battle, the game won’t restart they will be re-spawned in the same world, at the last bonfire they rested. The mod allows you to add up to 5 members to play.

This mod is seamless and uses powerful tweaks and cheats to stay off the anti-cheat system’s radar. Which allows us to add more mods to the game play as well. Again, all the members need to have these mods installed.

Seamless Co-op is one of the coolest mods out there, and you definitely need to try this to have an amazing time of game play with your homies!

Download Seamless Co-op Here

2. Survival Mode mod

This one is for the seasoned Veterans. If you have played the Elden Ring and know the game like the back of your hand, and bored of it by now, Survival mod by Grimrukh is for you!

This mod adds an extra edge and difficulty levels to Elden Ring. As any survival mode, you are left with hunger, starvation, you are prone to diseases and thirst etc. Fighting the bosses is extra difficult, if you get hungry you need to feed yourself. If you get a disease you need to cure it. If you get thirsty you need to quench your thirst or else, you will be removed from the world. Another cool feature that Survival Mode brings to the table is the night time. This feature showcases a real night time to the Elden Ring world which is dark which adds an extra risk.

When you slay bosses you won’t get weapons, you cannot buy what you want directly. Instead, you will get material like a piece of wood or a piece of metal where you have to craft your weapon from it. You must find medicines or food to cure illnesses as well.

This mod is perfect while you wait for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC in June. Adds an extra risk and makes the gameplay very interesting with an added danger.

Download Survival Mode Here

3. Enemy and Item Randomiser Mod

As suggested by the name of the mod, Enemy and Item Randomiser, randomly shuffles Enemies and Items you collect in Elden Ring. Which means the Enemies you find at usual spots are swapped. The items you collect from usual spots are also swapped. This gets pretty interesting when you are bored of the routine and want a bit of adversity.

You can even fight last level bosses in the first levels even. Collect items of high power. Which will boost your credit points. The items you collect from slaying particular enemies are also changed.

Enemy and Item Randomizer by thefifthmatt is a grate mod if you are bored of the routine and need a little twist to the game!

Download Enemy Randomizer Here

4. Bosses and NPCs and Custom NPCs Spirit Summons Mod

In short let’s call this mod the Summons Mod. Summons mod created by joeri makes summoning custom bosses and NPC spirits really easy. You just have to go to Merchant Kale` go through the list of items of his and select what you want to purchase. You can summon bosses, spirits, NPCS, items and even demigods like Miquella, Malenia etc.

After your purchase what you want from the merchant you can go to the ground where you are in battle or simply want to summon them and summon away. The coolest part is you can make them fight with each other or even cooler, You can summon all 8 demigods at the same place even!

Their attacks deliver the same amount of damage and their health also declines as the same. Also, they follow wherever you go no matter what. This is a pretty cool mod to play with and have fun for sure!

Download the Summons mod Here

5. First Person Souls Mod

Okay, so this mod is pretty direct at what it does. Developed by Dassav, this mod lets you play Elden Ring on first person point of view. This narrative creates a more immersive experience in the game. A fully realised first person version which lets you see the land between with your own eyes. Honestly their trailer alone seemed very interesting, and I wanted to jump in on the hype thanks to that itself. Overall, this mod is quite worthy of the shot!

Download FPS Here

So, while you wait for Shadow of the Erdtree on June I am pretty sure these mods will add a nice flavour to your routine gameplay. If you haven’t tried these out yet do give them a shot! I wonder whether these mods will be updated to incorporate the DLC as well! If it does, I will update it here on for sure!

By nilasi

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